FML3: Travel to Transform Your Fitness, Money & Life
Newsletter #3
Weekly Tips, Tools & Strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life
"Many a trip continues long after movement in time and space have ceased."— John Steinbeck
Photo of me & the Phoenix Wife in Hawaii.
Greetings my fellow Life Alchemists!
The Wife & I just got back from a truly magical trip in Hawaii & brought home some of that incredible Island Energy. Travel is such a powerful way to refill one's Creative Well.
Welcome to the third edition of the newly revamped Alchemize FML Newsletter! Your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life to the Next Level!
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FITNESS: Utilize travel to level-up your fitness lifestyle & mindset
I'd argue that when it comes to travel most people's fitness falls to the way-side. They stop working out. They over-consume when it comes to food & drink. And ultimately, they come back from their trip in worse shape then when they left. This is why when people ask me what's the most important factor when it comes to one's Fitness two of the fundamental factors I always mention are that "Fitness is a Lifestyle & a Mindset." Your Lifestyle & Mindset go with you wherever you go. When I travel I use it as an opportunity to switch up my workout routines, explore new gyms, outdoor parks & playgrounds, hikes & yoga studios. Heck, me and the wife even did some urban Hawaiin hiking to a restaurant that we wanted to check out that was an hour walk away and it ended up being a super fun unforgettable experience. Walking, running & biking new locations is an incredible way to explore a new place. Re-contextualizing travel & vacation as an opportunity to expand, explore & grow your Fitness Lifestyle & Mindset will pay huge dividends for the rest of your life. [Here's a 30-second Instagram Reel of this strategy in action.]
MONEY: Utilize travel as an opportunity to systemize your money
This includes automating everything related to your money. I have all my bills on auto-pay. I have all my investing automated so it's done every week & month. I constantly work to make all of my entrepreneurial money-making endeavors as systematic as possible so that when I take a vacation they keep growing. Vacation & travel is the perfect opportunity to see what systems need to be put in place and/or updated so that you can truly step away.
LIFE: Get your next vacation trip booked on the calendar
Having a trip on the calendar makes life feel exciting & adventurous. It gives you something to look forward to. I have found that having a quarterly 1-3 week vacation planned with flights & accommodations booked is the perfect cadence for me. This one strategy brings an incredible amount of happiness & satisfaction to my life every week leading up to the trip. Positive anticipation works wonders.
BONUS: Bookend your trips
Plan one day off from all work responsibilities the day before you leave for your trip. This is a total game-changer. That way you don't feel like you're rushing to wrap up work the day before you leave. In the past I tended to be so overloaded trying get everything wrapped up the day before leaving that I would start the trip super exhausted & burned out. Double down on this strategy and plan one full day off from work responsibilities after you get back so that you can get re-rooted before you get back after it.
If you're seeing this for the first time, signup up for the FML Newsletter here.
Lastly, here is Episode 35 of the Alchemize Life Podcast where I talk with Jack Fuchs, a long-time personal mentor & friend who teaches a course called "Principled Entrepreneurial Decisions"at Stanford University in addition to his role as a startup investor. We cover mentorship, teaching, entrepreneurship & more.
Sending you all lots of Positive Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!
Justin "Dragon" Carl