ALN3: How Do You Scale Yourself?

β€œIf you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
— African Proverb


Greetings my fellow Life Alchemists!


Here are 7 things I thought were worthy* to share:

*worthy defined as having the potential to alchemize/transform your life in some positive way if you take action on it.


I've been thinking a ton about how to scale both myself & others in all areas of life and the biggest conclusion that I've come to on this aspiration is that the best way to do this is by building an awesome & dynamic team around oneself--one that includes business/creative partners, mentors, coaches, life-affirming family/friends & communities that empower the life we truly desire. In my mind it is the only way to truly become bigger in this world and really be of service.

We often see these pinnacles of powerful people (Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, etc.) doing really big things in the world, but we often forget or don't even realize they have massive teams they consciously & proactively built around them that empower them to do what they do.

So how can we do this in our own life . . . ?

Here's my simple approach to scaling every important area of your life:

Get a formal or informal coach for each life-area you want to empower.

I have a creative coach, a fitness coach, an executive business/leadership coach, a tribal/wisdom coach, a family coach and I'm actively looking for a relationship coach & personal finance coach!

**If you know a good relationship coach and/or personal finance coach please send them my way!


Find & formalize a coaching engagement for one area of your life you want to EMPOWER. This can be going out a getting a professional coach or creating an agreement with a friend/colleague who is really good at the area of life you want to transform.

3. TOOLS & TECH βš’

What gets measured... gets managed, empowered & manifested! This holds true in all areas of life, but especially fitness. Probably the biggest reason I am in such awesome shape year-round for 4-years and running is that I track both my body-weight & body-fat daily.

For almost 4 years I used a scale and fat-loss monitor by Omron. It was a good machine and reliable, but one huge caveat: I had to manually enter those data-points into MyFitnessPal, aka MFP (where I track my body-weight, body-fat & keep my food-log).

Thanks to my awesome friend Ramji I discovered the Withings Body Cardio which not only measures weight, body-fat percentage, muscle-mass & more... it also seamlessly & wirelessly syncs with MyFitnessPal!

This saves me 1-2 minutes per day. Not much but compound that over a year or a lifetime and that is a lot of time!

More importantlh: I've learned that by making tracking/measuring as automatic as possible it saves a lot of mental/emotional energy that is hard to quantify. Tracking/monitoring is super powerful but you can only track so many metrics in your life so get super smart & efficient about what you track and how you track it!

**Special note: Feel free to add me as a friend on MyFitnessPal if you would like to follow along and learn how I eat daily to empower my fitness year-round.


My most popular Instagram post since the last ALN -- a micro-blog on how to find your twin flame!  And here is the full blog article on how to find your twin flame! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

4. BOOK πŸ“š

I'm currently reading The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz. Super powerful. It's all about the importance of oscillation, intervals & intermittent everything! Potent premise & book. Highly recommend!


Ever since my VisionQuest I've been filming Live Videos on both Instagram & Facebook almost daily. Here is an awesome one I did during an epic road trip about the super powerful concept of "BE. DO. HAVE." 

Please follow along on IG & FB and tune-in live! I love interacting with my audience in real-time! 


Every issue of ALN I like to acknowledge someone who has had a huge positive impact upon me, my life & the life of many others.

This issue of ALN I would like to recognize Rich Roll (IG: @RichRoll & Twitter)-- ultra athlete, vegan evangelist, top podcaster, all around positive empowerer, and so much more!

Rich went to Stanford πŸŒ² like I did so there is the alma mater love. However, what is most poignant to me is his life-story and healing journey with alcoholism and food abuse (I share radically similar life-challenges).

His book Finding Ultra was life-changing for me and my sobriety.

His podcast is seriously awesome and is a constant fuel for positive growth & transformation for me personally.

I'm not a vegan (yet), but because of Rich I definitely eat way healthier and think much deeper about my food choices in all aspects (sourcing, world/environment impact, nutritional value, etc.).

Definitely check out his podcast at the bare minimum!

His wife (Julie Piatt) often co-hosting on his podcast, is also super awesome! She always speaks in communion with my inner #SpiritualHipster!

And the two of them together are powerful relationship role-models for me and my fiancΓ©! 


My biggest recent learning... To scale yourself you must build a team around you.

The ego wants to try to convince you to do it alone.  He/she is whispering that if you can't do it alone you are not strong enough, good enough, worthy enough, not enough...

This is an illusion of the ego! Don't fall for it!  

We are all of so much more service to each other when we consciously & proactively enroll the support of others in our lives! This is why we are born into families! If we didn't have a family (blood or adopted) we would die within days. This fact doesn't change as we get older.

Build your family, build your team, build your tribe!

Together we heal, grow, transform & alchemize so much faster!!!  

Plus it's way more fun when you are alchemizing with people you love & enjoy spending time & energy with!

Thanks for reading! If you liked this newsletter and want to support it please forward it to a friend!

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In alchemy & service,

Justin David Carl πŸŒ’

P.S. If there was one thing I could write, podcast, or make a video about what would it be? Leave a comment below (very bottom), email me or send me a tweet with your suggestions! Use hashtag #ALN (Alchemize Life Newsletter) for any tweets or Facebook posts!

Title Photo by Avni @ Glass Locket Film
Suit by Vesey Exclusive