FML7: Preconceptions, Maximizing Savings, & Getting Professional Help to Achieve Big Goals
Newsletter #7
Weekly Tips, Tools & Strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life
It's when we start working together that the real healing takes place.
— David Hume, Scottish Enlightenment Philosopher
The best investment you can ever make is the investment in your own personal growth.
Greetings my fellow Life Alchemists!
Let's be honest, the end of February is usually the time many people have pretty much fallen off track with their New Year Goals.
A question that I asked myself at the beginning of last year was, "What am I going to do different this year so I'm not in the same place in life a year from now?"
That questions caused me to rethink my approach to achieving some long-held goals & dreams. It also caused me to take new action and lo and behold two of my biggest dreams in the last 10-years have been realized. Those dreams were having my own successful podcast & coaching program.
So, before you give up on your biggest goals this year maybe it's time rethink your approach and do something radically different so you're not in the same place in life at the beginning of next year.
Without further ado, let's FML! Your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life to the Next Level!
FITNESS: Don't let your preconceptions get in the way of your health & fitness
I never thought I could go Vegan because I loved Sushi, Burgers, Steak & Cheese too much. This was despite my wife trying to get me to go more plant-based for years. Back then, the thought of eating Tofu was about as exciting as eating cardboard. I also didn't think you could be super fit & muscular as a Vegan. Then I watched "The Game Changers" documentary about professional Plant-Based Athletes and realized there are a ton of people with the muscular physique I've always desired thriving with the Vegan Lifestyle. I've now been Vegan for 3+ years & am in the best shape of my life. Plus, I love the food I cook & eat at restaurants more than ever. Here's a funny Instagram Reel of this concept in action showing just how good Vegan Sushi can be. So whether it's adopting a more plant-based lifestyle, exploring a new way to workout, or trying out meditation, don't fall prey to the axiom "I could never be/have/do _____, because ______."
MONEY: Maximize your cash savings interest rate
If you keep any of your money in a regular savings account you may as well be earning interest on it. Since 2018 I've been moving my cash savings around to whichever reputable bank is offering the highest yield. I am not fanatical about it, I just check around every quarter or so. This earns me a few extra thousand dollars per year. I think of it like an annual salary raise that takes about 15-30 minutes of work a few times a year. Here's a list of FDIC insured banks with the highest savings rates (currently over 4% APY as of 02-26-2023).
LIFE: Get professional help for your biggest goals & dreams
In 2014 I worked with my first Online Fitness Coach & in only 6-months I finally got the body of my dreams (muscular physique w/ a 6-pack) after trying to figure it out on my own for over 15 years. Prior to that I was kind of fit, but still kind of fat. I had muscle but there was always a layer of fat covering the muscle so I was never excited to go to a beach/pool, take my shirt off or get naked. In 2018 I got career coaches, money coaches & joined a Monthly Money Mastermind. I became a millionaire in 2-years after dreaming of being rich since I was a kid. This was after being deeply in Debt for many years. Also around 2018 my wife & I started working with an intimacy coach & we proactively built an incredible relationship & had our dream wedding in 2021 as a result of the work we did together. In 2022 I worked with a breakthrough coach to finally get my 10-year Podcast dream off the ground. Podcast Episode 39 of Alchemize Life is a deep conversation with my breakthrough coach. I also joined a Coaching Mastermind in 2022 & finally launched my own Fitness & Money Coaching program. This was something I'd tried to do 5-years prior & totally failed at. So whatever your biggest goals & dreams are, stop trying to figure it on your own. Get professional help. It will be the best investment you'll ever make.
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Sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!
Justin "Dragon" Carl