FML5: Injuries, Income & Energy
Newsletter #5
Weekly Tips, Tools & Strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life
The portal of healing & creativity always takes us into the realm of the spirit. — Angeles Arrien
Earthing at a Beach in Hawaii.
Greetings my fellow Life Alchemists!
We're picking up steam! Here's the 5th issue of the FML Newsletter - your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life to the Next Level!
FITNESS: Learn to workout around injuries
At some point you will get injured. It may not even happen while you are working out. I've tweaked my neck just getting out of bed before. Injuries can be incredible teachers if we take the time to listen. They can teach us how to continue to move our body while giving space & time to the part of our body that needs to heal. This means we may have to get creative, learn new exercises & adopt new movement patterns. We have to really check in with our body before attempting each exercise to ensure that we are not aggravating the injury. This practice of embodied awareness is something that is worth cultivating for much more than just healing an injury & an injury is a great catalyst for refining this practice.
MONEY: Create multiple streams of income
There is something incredibly liberating about having money come in from more than one source. If one source dries up or ends abruptly you will still have money coming in from the other source(s). This is such a great skill to cultivate because the more you do it the more you realize how many fun & interesting ways you can make additional money. The key is to do things that are actually interesting to you (not just do something for the sake of money). Some of these side-hustles may even turn into full-time careers or even one's calling, but you'll never know unless you cultivate the money-making interest. In the episode 37 of the Alchemize Life Podcast, I chat with Doug Cunnington about Niche Websites where people literally write about stuff they are interested in & create serious money doing so. Give it a listen for some inspiration!
LIFE: Release, clear & protect your energy
Humans are empathic, meaning we can sense and even feel the feelings & energy of others. For the most part this is a good thing because it makes us better humans--more understanding, compassionate, helpful, etc. However, if we're not careful we can literally take on the energy of others (family members, clients, work colleagues, etc.) to the point where it can negatively affect our own mood, energy & physical wellbeing. My default protection against this in the past was to just shut down my heart & emotions and disconnect from the person emanating stressful energy. Unfortunately, this does not work in a marriage, with a parent or child in need, with a work colleague you have to interact with, or with a client you are coaching. This is a big subject that I won't fully cover in one short email newsletter but here are 3 strategies to assist with this: (1) Affirm "I release all the energy that is not my own. My energy is free, clear & protected." (2) Do some Earthing where you put your bare feet in grass, sand, dirt, water, etc. Mother Earth is giant energy cleansing & recycling system, but most of us are disconnected from her most of the time. (3) Visualize a protective shield or suit that protects your energy from unwanted energy before (and during) every interaction with someone who's energy you don't want to take on.
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Sending you all lots of Positive Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!
Justin "Dragon" Carl