Fit Rich Life

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FRLP49: My Favorite Pre-Workout Supplement, The Key To A Successful Financial Independence Journey, & Why You Need A Project

Fit Rich Life

Newsletter #49

Weekly Tips, Tools & Strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life
Newsletter Archive

“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
— Voltaire, French Philosopher

Greetings Fit Rich Fam!

Normally, I release the Fit Rich Life Newsletter on Sunday, but every once in a while, I like to test out different days to see if it changes the open/read rate.

Without further ado, let's proactively build your Fit Rich Life.

This is your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to take your Fitness, Money, and Life to the Next Level.

FITNESS: If I could only take one sports supplement I would take a great Pre-Workout.

As an eternal optimizer, I like to get the most out of every single workout.

One of my strategies for getting the most out of my workouts is to use a great Pre-Workout sports supplement.

My favorite Pre-Workout is made by Vedge Nutrition and they just released a brand new flavor this past week.

The new flavor is Fuji Apple Pear and no joke it tastes like an apple jolly rancher.

On top of tasting delicious AF, it’s backed by clinically dosed levels of a combination of great supplements that will take your workout to the next level.

With the Vedge Pre-Workout, I know that every training session is going to be dialed in with laser-like focus along with plenty of energy and power.

And maybe the best part is that there is no crash afterward.

If I could only choose one sports supplement it would be the Vedge Pre-Workout because consistency compounds and having a great workout every training session leads to serious gains week over week.

If you're ready to take your workouts to the next level this year get yourself the Vedge Pre-Workout and use code DRAGON to save 15% and support this newsletter so I can keep bringing you high-value free content.

MONEY: If you want to achieve Financial Independence it must be one of your Top Goals and a part of your Core Values.

It was one of my childhood dreams to become a Millionaire.

Money was scarce when I was growing up.

During my elementary schooling, I was on the “free lunch program” as my family qualified as low-income.

It was a huge relief when I finally started making a decent amount of money in my 20s during my past career in Hollywood Nightlife.

I had the fancy condo, the Range Rover, nice clothes, dined at all the nicest restaurants in Hollywood, and had lots of expensive things.

Outwardly it appeared as if I’d finally made it.

But I had a dirty secret.

I was financially broke.

I had a ton of credit card debt and unpaid school loans.

The truth of the matter was that although I was making over $200K a year I was spending all of it (and more).

Deep down I was pretty ashamed.

I felt like I should be so much farther ahead financially, but every year I was going deeper into debt to outwardly put on the facade of “looking rich.”

In the Hollywood Nightlife business, I know I wasn’t alone in my financial situation.

A lot of us lived behind our means to make ourselves look like we had made it.

At the end of 2013, after 7 years in the business, I left Hollywood to go back to finish my Stanford Undergraduate degree that I had left unfinished and transitioned into a new career in the SF Bay Area.

At the end of 2016, I was $80,000 in debt and 6 years behind on my taxes when I discovered the concept of Financial Independence.

Financial Independence is when your money makes enough money to fund your lifestyle forever.

Upon discovering this concept I realized that this is what I truly wanted.

"Looking rich" had just driven me into being financially shackled, which is one of the reasons that it took me so long to leave the toxic environment of the Hollywood nightlife business.

I had to keep making money to service my debt and keep up the facade of “looking rich” and for years I felt trapped with no options.

However, if my money could make me enough money to live off forever then I would truly be free.

Never again would I have to worry about money or do work that I didn’t truly enjoy just to pay the bills.

In November of 2016, I consciously decided that Financial Independence was my number one Life Goal and that Freedom was my top Core Value.

This distinction made all the difference.

I proceeded to re-arrange my lifestyle, habits, and actions with this goal & core value as the filtering process for all of my decision-making.

Furthermore, I decided that I was going to have a ton of fun and feel as free as possible while pursuing this goal of Financial Independence.

Ultimately, I treated it like a game to spend as little as possible and earn as much as possible so I could crush my debt and build up a money-making machine via investing in low-cost broad-based index funds.

I realigned all my expenses with this goal in mind.

I sold my Range Rover and got a Prius.

I kept my rent as low as possible, even after I started to make a ridiculous amount of money.

I stopped eating out and chose to cook all my food at home.

I stopped buying books and learned to use the local library system.

I strategically found new friends who were also pursuing Financial Independence and focused on doing fun healthy activities like hiking, working out, and rollerblading.

I worked with coaches and mentors to radically increase my earning power.

I worked with a professional accountant to clean up my taxes.

I went from trying to “look rich” to aggressively working towards becoming rich. 

In 2-years I went from being $80,000 in debt to a bonafide Millionaire.

I then went on to hit my original Financial Independence number of $1.5 Million shortly thereafter.

I got lucky in the sense that the total US Stock Market Index Funds (like VTSAX) increased by 50% from 2017-2020 while I was working towards Financial Independence.

Having this tail-wind empowered me to become a Multimillionaire within 3-years of consciously starting my Financial Independence Journey.

I now know that I would have never caught this lucky break if Financial Independence hadn’t been my number one goal and freedom wasn’t my top personal value.

All in all, I spent about 3-years being hyper-frugal (while still having a ton of fun) and aggressively increasing my income.

For the record, my extreme frugality was just a temporary strategy to empower me to rapidly achieve Financial Independence.

Since reaching Financial Independence I’ve loosened the purse strings, now live in a very nice home that is not cheap, and eat out regularly.

If you want to reach Financial Independence it has to be one of your top goals and part of your top core values, otherwise, you will easily get distracted by the infinite number of shiny objects that we are constantly being bombarded with.

LIFE: You will find a meaningful project behind every happy person.

Progress is one of the few things that reliably makes humans happy and provides lasting satisfaction.

So, whether you are working on reaching specific fitness goals, achieving financial independence, building up a side business, or consistently investing in a hobby like a sport, gardening, or artistic endeavor make sure you carve out time in your weekly schedule to work on something meaningful outside of your 9-5 day job.

Your long-term happiness depends on it.

Closing Thoughts:

Will this be the year you take your fitness, money, and life to the next level?

If so, write down 2-3 things you are going to do differently and double down by putting them in your calendar.

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I am sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!

Your Fitness, Money & Life Coach,

Justin David Carl

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. I run a custom-tailored 1-1 & group mastermind coaching program that will empower you to achieve your dream body, master your money & live your best life. Yup, it's a proven Fitness, Money and Life Coaching Program unlike anything else out there. You can book a free consultation with me here or just drop me a note on Instagram to find a time to connect.

2. If you work in an office introduce me to whoever handles your office snacks, catering & employee experience to take your work wellbeing to the next level. I'm a founding member of Garten, a tech-empowered employee experience & wellbeing platform that top companies utilize to power their most important asset (their people). Email me at >><< to set up a meeting.