Podcast Episodes

A Purple Life: Financial Independence, Early Retirement at Age 30, Travel, Geo-Arbitrage, Living on $20K in HCOL Cities, and More I Episode 82
Fit Rich Life Newsletter: tips, tools & strategies to take your Fitness, Money & Life to the next level

Instagram aka my Micro Blog

💪🏼🌱🥳 It’s my 40th birthday & I went Raw Vegan! ⏩ Swipe to see what I ate!
Ok, I’m not truly a Raw Vegan, just Vegan for over 2-years now! Woohoo!
I had the good fortune to savor a lovely Raw Vegan Birthday Meal at @rawlovetulum! I thoroughly enjoyed the following:
1. Black Bean Burger
2. Maki Roll
3. Living Pizza (personal fav)
4. Coconut Curry
Feeling incredibly grateful for my 30s — all the special people, trials, tribulations, growth & success. The tough parts, the beautiful parts, and everything in between!
All my experiences up until now have helped to shape the man I am today & the ever-evolving man I am becoming with each new day.
Looking back on my life experiences & the people in it with the deepest of Gratitude 🙏🏼, anchoring myself in the Divine Beauty of the PRESENT 😇🎁 & looking forward to the Epic Adventure of my 40s! 🤘🏼😅🤘🏼
YEEHAWWW!!! Feeling nothing but Raw Love! 🙌🏼💗🐲
#veganbirthday #rawvegan #veganfitness #vegan #veganmuscle #veganfood #veganbodybuilding #tulum #fitvegan

I am NOT on the Carnivore diet. But I am definitely on the Greens.
While on holiday vacation I had a few people come up to me at the gym in Huntington Beach & ask if the reason I am so fit is because I eat a lot of meat & am on the carnivore diet.
The first time this happened I told the guy I was Vegan & he looked at me with a confused look like I was speaking another language. I went on to tell him that I only eat plants (no animal products) & his confusion still continued…
He went on to tell me that he’s been seeing a lot of super muscular people online toting the Carnivore Diet as the key to their fitness.
I went on to explain that unfortunately a lot of these people pushing the meat diet are likely taking some serious steroids to achieve their physical appearance.
Plus, meat & dairy consumption along w/ steroids is going to cost them in the long-run in terms of longevity & healthspan—meaning how healthy they will be during their lifespan.
Real scientific studies show us that the healthiest longest living people eat a predominantly whole food plant-based diet & that many diseases are either caused by and/or exacerbated by the consumption of meat & dairy.
Fortunately, now there are tons of people showing us that not only can you have a science-backed Vegan diet that promotes optimal healthspan & longevity working in your favor but you can also be super muscular & jacked eating & living this way.
I’m just one example that you can be a super fit ~40yo 100% Natural Vegan Bodybuilder with a wife & full-time professional career in tech.
You don’t even need to be a full time athlete or fitness influencer or compete in bodybuilding shows (I never have).
All you need to be super fit, muscular & healthy AF is the right mindset, diet, lifestyle & habits.
👉🏼The new @vedgenutrition Organic Greens drops today! It’s a key part of my daily fitness wellbeing strategy to incorporate 15 Superfoods for optimal energy, immunity, digestion & healthspan! And it tastes so good! 💪🏼🌱Code DRAGON to save 🐲
#vegan #veganbodybuilding #carnivore #carnivorediet #veganfitness #greensmoothie #greens

🤔 I’m curious what holiday traditions healthy & fit people incorporate into their lives?
Today at 5pm PST I’m doing a Livestream Q&A w/ @nimai_delgado to talk about our strategies for staying fit during the holidays. Sign up link in bio/stories.
As a newly married man, I’ve been thinking a lot about what kind of family holiday traditions we want to design into the fabric of our lives. Here’s what we did for Thanksgiving Weekend:
The Phoenix cooked up a truly Divine Vegan Spread that included Shepard’s Pie, Bacon Wrapped Dates & freshly made cranberry sauce. We capped it off with some Plant-Based @benandjerrys on top of a pumpkin brownie.
My day started with my regular morning practice of meditation, journaling, tracking/planning, goals/visualization, creativity, affirmations, reading & an early morning workout (leg day) at the gym. It was inspiring to be at a gym that was actually quite busy on Thanksgiving. Love witnessing others living a Fitness Lifestyle!
Throughout the day I connected with my Mom, Dad, family & friends through the gift of technology.
When I came home from the gym the Phoenix was cooking up a storm. We’ve recognized that cooking on the Holiday is usually the highest joy for the Phoenix. The Dragon is a lucky beneficiary of this.
I drew myself an Epsom Salt Bath & soaked while the Phoenix finished cooking. Been doubling down on my recovery these days. [Key if you train frequently & want to stay in top shape at ~40.]
I fasted until our first meal around 1pm. This is pretty typical for me as I intermittent fast most days for 80-90% of the year. [Simple strategy to avoid overeating at a planned holiday meal.]
The Phoenix delivered a thoughtful grace before we dug in. Good convo & delicious food were had.
After our first meal, the Phoenix read in bed while the Dragon took an epic 2-hour nap by her side.
Upon arising we watched a fun movie (Red Notice) then had more food & dessert.
Then it was off to bed nice & early (typical for Dragon since I awake very early).
Later that weekend we took a day trip adventure to Santa Cruz.
For me, it was a perfectly healthy, fit, & fun celebration!
#vegan #veganthanksgiving #veganholiday

What happens when Vegan Athletes get together?
They go do a @Spartan Obstacle Course Race together!
And before the race, they dry-scoop @vedgenutrition Pre-Workout & Nitro Pump because that is what Fit Vegan Savages do!
Such an epic time with @nimai_delgado @alexanderbvck @luckiesigouin running through the mountains of Castaic & tackling obstacles together! It was a crystal clear blue sunny day & Gaia was regal AF in all her magnificent!
Afterward, we hit up the @veganexchangela (my first time) to refuel & demolish some delicious vegan food! I had the Pitmaster from @leaf_over_beef which included an @impossible_foods patty, Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork, Mac & Cheese, Cabbage, Pickles all on a Pretzel Bun. So good!
We even ran into @leo_fit_life, another Vedge Athlete, who helps put on the Vegan Exchange. The Vedge Athletes are always up to life-enhancing endeavors!
Good times w/ good friends, lots of laughs, fitness, some grit & blood, nature time, deep convo & delicious food were all par for the course.
All in all, it was a super Epic Vegan Adventure! This is the kind of stuff that lifelong cherished memories are made of!
Next up for the Vedge Team: maybe a massive 50+ mile cycling event or a Vision Quest! YEEHAW!! 🤘🏼🐲🤘🏼
#vegan #veganfitness #spartan #veganfood #veganlifestyle

👉🏼What do you do when you get together with your Vegan Friends?
During my SoCal road trip last month I got to meet up w/ one of my favorite people @nimai_delgado & spend the day doing what Fit Vegans do when they get together.
We started our man-date at @goldsgym Venice (of course) fueled by the Holy Trinity aka the @vedgenutrition Pre/Pump/Creatine+ stack to get in a solid back & biceps workout.
While at the gym we ran into Simon Hill @plant_proof which was super fun for me as a longtime listener & fan of the good work he does.
After that, it was back to Nimai’s crib to refuel w/ Vedge Plant Pro & have deep talks about the future of the Vedge Community—very exciting stuff to come!
Then it was time to hit the beach on skates/blades & soak up that solar ocean energy!
On our way back we ran into @luckiesigouin! Seriously gotta love the Vegan Mecca that Venice seems to be!
Throughout the entire day, Nimai & I spent a lot of time talking about many important life areas like career/calling, goals, dreams & aspirations, personal development, books, fitness, work/life balance, relationships, etc.
Nimai & I always seem to go super deep whenever we connect, but I think that’s pretty typical of both of us! 🤓
After our Venice & Santa Monica roll, I got to try out Vedge’s forthcoming Organic Greens powder & was super impressed with the taste, consistency, & delicious flavor. Can’t wait for that to get released!
Somehow we did not make it to a Vegan lunch spot, but I was riding high on good energy/synergy so I hardly noticed! 😅
Ultimately, we had an empowering Vegan Man-Date full of fitness, nature time, deep talks, life/goals ideation/strategy, & more all fueled by plant power! 💪🏼🌱
Next up we're doing a Vedge Team @spartan Sprint! ⚔️
This is what an awesome Vegan Lifestyle worth living looks like for me! YEEHAW!!
#vegan #veganfitness #veganbodybuilding #veganlifestyle

When I leveled up my Life & went 99% Vegan at the beginning of 2020 there was one aspect of my new lifestyle that wasn’t quite in line—my sports supplements. Specifically, my pre-workout stack.
For months I tried a bunch of different Vegan Pre-Workout formulas from various companies but none of them hit like the non-vegan pre-workout I was taking so I kept going back it.
This left me very conflicted.
I even asked my wife if I could publicly say that I was Vegan if I was knowingly taking a supplement that was not 100% Vegan. Her response was “no.” And in my heart I knew she was right because that would be inauthentic.
Then something amazing happened towards the end of 2020. I had recently become a Vedge Elite Athlete & to my great excitement they released a 100% Vegan Pre-Workout!
And guess what…?
It hit HARD! 👊🏼
It got me super amped to crush my workouts & I was regularly hitting new PRs! 📈
And there’s more! There was no crash afterwards and it tasted so good!
Plus you can stack it with Nitro Pump which is the non-stimulant version of the Pre-Workout for a truly incredible pump! 💪🏼
And the best part for me? I finally got to say that I was 100% Vegan & feel super good about it! 🌱😇
The gains & newfound energy/pump have been a close second best part! 😅
I’ve been battleground testing the Vedge Pre-Workout & Nitro Pump for the last year with every single workout I do & I can honestly say that it’s the best pre-workout stack available—whether or not you are Vegan. Happy to report I’m in the best shape of my life too!
It has science-backed dosing of high quality organic ingredients from trusted sourcing. This is key because there is so much fluff & BS in most supplements. Most products on the market have a sprinkle of an ingredient & that will have zero effect.
So, if you’re looking to take your workouts & fitness to the next level with a product that you can trust get yourself the @vedgenutrition Pre-Workout / Nitro Pump stack & light yourself on FIRE!! 🔥
👉🏼Use code DRAGON at checkout to save! And to support your favorite Life Alchemist! 🙏🏼💗🐲
#vegan #veganfitness #calisthenics #preworkout #gymnasticsrings
Title PC: @isaacgautschi

Having work that makes us come ALIVE is a must for truly living a life worth living for.
The longer I live the more I’ve learned what type of work lights me on fire & what type of work sucks away my life force.
Over the years & decades, it’s mostly been a trial & error process of discovering the type of work that sparks me.
And while that process has worked, I wonder how much time I could have saved from toiling away at work that did not light me up.
I also wonder how many other people spend years if not decades or lifetimes doing work that doesn’t really make them feel like they’re doing what they were meant to do.
So, when I discovered that @jonathanfields has spent the last several years rigorously developing a body of work, framework & test that allows one to identify the type of work that makes us truly shine (inwardly & outwardly) I immediately dived into his work he has compiled & distilled in his new best-selling book “SPARKED: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes you Come Alive!”
Through Jonathan’s work, I discovered my primary & secondary Work Archetype, or what he calls one’s Sparketype, and it was so empowering that I cried (true story).
It was like finally being able to name something that I could sense subconsciously just below the surface, but was always just out of my conscious grasp.
Identifying, naming & deeply understanding my Sparketype felt like a homecoming. Like a return to my True Self.
And when I looked back on all my years of work it was always when I was doing the work of my primary Sparketype that I felt most alive & that I was the most successful!
Through very good fortune I will be sitting down with Jonathan Fields for a Live Webinar to share his Sparketype work with others and it will be FREE to all who attend thanks to my company @getgarten.
I’m so excited to share this with more people because what the world needs right now is more people who have come alive!
🗓 The Free Webinar will take place this Thursday 10/14 at 12pm PST.
👉🏼 Space is Limited & Registration is Required so please signup at Garten.co or through the link in my bio.
Hope to see you there! 🙏🏼💗🐉
#work #worklife

First time trying Vegan African American Fusion! Who else has tried it?
The Phoenix Wife @carlylynwise surprised me this weekend with a Day Trip to Santa Cruz!
We’re in the process of figuring out where we want to buy a home so we’ve been exploring different areas. We donned our hiking shoes & explored some of the neighborhoods as well as the beach while getting in our steps.
Urban hiking in new areas is always a great way to spend the day in my Life Alchemist opinion. It’s an awesome way to get in movement, expand your mind, add novelty, fantasize about living in a new place, get into meaningful deep conversations w/ another & so much more!
Apparently, there was an Ironman going on while we were there so that added to the fun & excitement!
We finished up the urban hike w/ a Vegan Lunch at @veg_ontheedge! We enjoyed the Èfo O L’Ogede (Plantain Curry), the Śuyà Burger made w/ a @beyondmeat patty, & Cassava Fries. It was a super delicious & hearty meal that expanded our tastebuds’ horizons!
P.S. If you have any recommendations for great places to live w/ good year-round weather that support a holistic wellbeing & fitness lifestyle w/ good-to-decent vegan options I'd love to hear about it in the comments! Extra points if the cost of living is reasonable!
#daytrip #santacruz #urbanhiking #veganfood #veganafricanfood #vegancouple #veganlifestyle #lifealchemist

Is rollerblading cool again?
As a kid there were a few summers where I probably rollerbladed almost every single day. I loved it so much that I would spend entire days rollerblading all over town. One of my teachers still tells the tale of how I would rollerblade down Main Street like I owned the place.
To this day my childhood rollerblading adventures hold a special place in my heart & I have scar that will never let me forget.
For whatever reason rollerblading somehow became uncool by the time I entered high school & like most teenagers who are overly concerned about what others think I let my childhood blading joy whither & die.
Sometime around 2010 this wildfire of a woman invited me to go rollerblading. At first, I resisted thinking & saying it wasn’t cool anymore. She persisted. Eventually I gave in, bought a pair of blades & got back out there with her.
That childhood magic I thought had died years ago reignited within moments of the first few rollerblade strides I took. A huge goofy grin came over my face. A lightness appeared in my body & I began to flow again.
It truly felt magical. Like dancing in space.
Because of my wife @carlylynwise I’ve been rollerblading for the last decade plus & I stopped caring whether it was considered cool or not. It brings me massive joy. It brings out my inner child. It empowers my mind, body & spirit to free flow. And that is all that really matters.
For our wedding we captured some of the Rollerblading Magic back in my hometown & I’d like to think we look cool AF!
PC: @brittanybrenske
Frames: @endlessblading
Boots: @frskates @intuitionliners @powerslidebrand
#rollerblading #inlineskating #rollerblade #rollerblades

The magical wedding of the Phoenix @carlylynwise & the Dragon @justindavidcarl.
Words cannot express what this incredible Work of Art means to us so we’ll just let it speak for itself.
Turn on the sound to hear some of our Vows and the beautiful soundtrack.
🎥 @isaacgautschi
July 2021, Washington

Smash or pass?
Who else loves Vegan Chinese Food?! 👋🏼
As a newly married man it’s important to me to continue to date my beautiful wife @carlylynwise! So, I recently took her out on a bike ride & lunch date!
We enjoyed a Thai Tea, Veggie Steam Buns, Chik’n Chow Fun, Chik’n String Beans, & Orange Chik’n — all Vegan of course!
As an Adventurous Fit Fun-Loving Vegan it’s also important to me to show people that you can have a fun adventurous romantic life, be super fit & eat super delicious food with nothing but extra benefits like improved health span, greater quality of life, faster recovery from workouts, a leaner more energetic body, a more positive impact on the environment & animals, plus so much more!
This post was inspired by my @vedgenutrition teammates @nimai_delgado & @willbrooksofficial who are always taking out their lovely ladies to delicious Vegan meals. Thanks for the motivation, guys! Keep on treating your partners well & modeling that awesome, super fun, fit, delicious, loving, compassionate & empowering Vegan Lifestyle! YEEHAW!!!
#marriedlife #marriage #vegan #veganchinesefood #veganlifestyle #veganlife #veganinspo #vegancouple

👉🏼 If you’re married: what shifts and/or changes have you experienced since tying the knot?
Several people have jokingly said to me, “How does it feel to be married? Exactly the same right?”
My response, “No, it feels Significantly Different.”
I feel stronger. More secure. Yet more free. More powerful. More motivated. Happier. More spiritually awake. Powerfully bound to another but more personally unbounded. Like parts of me I had forgotten or never recognized are waking up & rising to the surface to finally step into the fold of my conscious life.
I don’t know if it’s because I am a Taurus that deeply values a strong foundation & familial security or if it’s because our wedding ceremony was such a Powerful Spiritual Experience for me personally.
Maybe it was the mystical clouds rolling through as we took a moment of silence to honor our Spirit Guides & our Elders who had passed as if to show us they were all present & in full support of our Union.
Or if it was because we were bathed in golden beams of sunlight that broke through the clouds as we took our vows as if the Great Creator were blessing us.
Or if it was because we got to experience the powerful Solar & Lunar energy from both the sunset & sunrise happening at the same time from the 360 pinnacle point of our wedding ceremony.
Or maybe if it was because I was just ready to be legally & spiritually bound to my Phoenix.
Or maybe it had something to do with how special, loving, & communal it it felt our to have our two families coming together to co-create the experience with us.
My feeling is that all of these aspects created a powerful shift in my state Being with my Priestess now securely at my side.
Will this powerful spiritual & emotional experience fade? Will I go back to feeling as if it were exactly the same as before?
I don’t know. It’s all still so fresh. But I figure if I do my best to put this experience into words & document it I will be able draw Power from it for a lifetime. Thanks for being a witness to my processing & integration.
Wife: @carlylynwise
PC: @brittanybrenske
#marriage #marriedlife #wedding #spiritualunion #spiritualexperience #husband

Happy Birthday to my Wild Lioness Wife!!
My Gods, I am so happy & grateful to finally be able to say that! To call this powerful person “Wife” is such a privilege & a divine lifelong blessing!
This Leo Woman literally changed my life.
In so many ways.
And all for the better. Like wayyyyy better!
I think it’s one of her many superpowers. She just makes people better.
Like a lodestone she magnetizes the good parts of people. Drawing out their abundance, creativity, natural brilliance, inherent talents, & enlivening their heart-fire.
It’s incredible to witness to be honest. It’s even better to be a direct benefactor of this particular power this Lioness Queen wields.
@carlynwise I am so deeply grateful (and in awe) to be by your side witnessing your magic as you transform people for the better. It’s going to be pretty awesome to watch you come into your Power more so than ever before over the next year!
The happiest birthday to you, my Fiery Phoenix! Wishing my Stunning Super Hot Sexy Smart AF Wife the absolute best year yet! A year filled to the brim with love, laughter, magic, adventure, time well-spent with family & friends, massive success, personal, professional & spiritual growth, and so much more!! 🙌🏼💫💓🦁🌟🙌🏼
Your Dragon Husband loves you sooo much!!
PC: @wynwileyphoto
#birthday #leobirthday #wife #marriedlife #lioness #hotwife #vegan #vegancouple

We got married! The Dragon🐉 & the Phoenix❤️🔥 are now Husband & Wife! In short, it was truly an Epic & Divine Experience!
The intimate Wedding Ceremony was held on Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 in the Olympic National Forest on the highest peak of Blue Mountain that we could reach.
We had a truly stunning 360 degree view with dramatic clouds rolling through at times, beams of light shining down upon us during our vows, a creamy golden sunset, a mystical moonrise, emerald mountains, sweeping view of the land below, the expansive sky above, blue ocean in the horizon, & even another country across the water.
With the immense help of many loving friends & family the Dragon & the Phoenix truly brought our Wedding Vision alive!
There was no way we could have pulled it off without the collective effort of the tribe.
I am overcome with tears of deep gratitude & joy each time I think about how so many people donated their minds, hearts, bodies, & spirits to bring this Wedding Vision alive.
Over numerous conversations & years in the making the Dragon & the Phoenix co-developed a Wedding Vision that truly represented our unique Spirits, special relationship & magical life together.
The full truth is the Phoenix (now my wife!!!) led the charge on bringing this Epic Wedding Vision alive after we agreed upon the different aspects that were important to each one of us individually & collectively. The Dragon just supported & did his best to do whatever the Phoenix told him to do—this is what smart & successful husbands usually do right?!
The entire experience was so Epic & filled with Divine Spirit that I am still processing & integrating it all.
Sharing a few photos from the Epic Divine Experience. More to come.
P.S. I’ve created an Instagram Stories Highlight that documents a lot the Divine Experience (the lead up & more). You can find it on my IG profile with the title “❤️🔥💍🐉” so give it a view if you’d like to share the Experience with us!
Bride/Wife: @carlylynwise
PC: @brittanybrenske
#dragonphoenixwedding #wedding #weddingphotos #veganwedding #weddingadventure #weddingphotography #divineexperience #spiritualunion #family #tribe #gratitude

We are finally getting MARRIED!! 💍
After nearly 5 years of being engaged The Dragon🐉 & The Phoenix🔥@carlylynwise are making it official! About time right?! 😅
She’s always made my Life so freaking Magical! ✨
When I was lost she helped me find myself again. 🧭
I’ve literally found all of my success with HER & largely because of her. My spiritual practices. My physical fitness. My career success. My financial success. My sobriety.
She was even plant-based for over 4+ years gently encouraging me before I got on the Vegan train!🌱🚂
Heck, she even gave birth to the Manicorn—my Manbraid Unicorn hairstyle! 🦄
She’s my secret SUPERPOWER! 🦸🏼♀️
She my rock! 💎
She’s an ACTIVATOR & a true TRAILBLAZER! 🌟
A Fiery Feline w/ a Wild Mane trailing in her blazing wake. ☄️
A Siren calling to her Dragon to come forth into a Higher Vision that she always holds for me. 🌬🐉🌟
Always beckoning me forth to the next level. Usually gently. But sometimes strongly (when I need it). 💪🏼📈😅
Through the years & the trials together we have learned, healed, grown & TRANSFORMED MASSIVELY—both personally & together as a couple. ⚡️🌒🌓🌔🌕
This fact alone is one of the biggest reasons I am going to wife her up for this life & beyond!
It’s the Life of continuous & never-ending Positive Transformation for the Dragon & the Phoenix!⚡️🪐
My Magical Phoenix - thank you for ALWAYS choosing me! I’m so deeply grateful, honored & wildly excited to officially BECOME your husband!!
P.S. We will be having an intimate immediate family-only wedding on top of an Epic Mountain this July.⛰ We are planning a few receptions in WA, NorCal & SoCal that will be open to extended family & friends so stay tuned!
PC: @avnicreates
#engagementphotos #marriage #weddinginspiration #love

What does positive competition look like? Swipe 👉🏼
Amongst true friends, healthy & positive competition looks like 👉🏼 who can support the other the most with their Life Path & Calling!🌟
Here are some friends I positively compete with each week:
1️⃣ @nimai_delgado - kindred spirit who originally inspired me to embrace a Vegan Lifestyle. Co-founder of @vedgenutrition & @veganfitnesscom.
2️⃣ Julie @gomethodology - @Stanford classmate & co-founder/CEO of Methodology, a ready-to-eat meal prep company that is a godsend for busy professionals like myself.
3️⃣ @luca_fithealth - Fitness Coach & one of the most shredded Vegans I know. Introduced me to the concept of Cardio BEFORE lifting & the perennial “Maingaining” fitness philosophy.
4️⃣ @willbrooksofficial - the Iron Ape, Vedge Elite Athlete, Fitness Coach & super talented professional Photographer.
5️⃣ @plantstrongjans - Vedge teammate who may actually be more positive & energetic than me (still up for debate). Triathlete, Mental Health Coach, & host of the Awoken Athlete Podcast.
6️⃣ @sarahbrandow - cofounder of @vitabowl, Nutritionist, Health Coach & more! She inspires me to keep aligning my entrepreneurial pursuits w/ passion & purpose!
7️⃣ @plantbasedaddict - his work on addiction & relationship to self has been profound in my own journey. A Health Coach doing groundbreaking scientific research & more.
8️⃣ @axelschura - Entrepreneur, Coach, along with workshops on Financial Freedom & more. He inspires me to give more to the world through my own creativity.
9️⃣ @coachscottyb_ founder of Evolution Vegan Academy. His work & attitude inspires me daily.
🔟 @satisforest - a holistic Mind/Body Vegan Fitness Coach who inspires me to strive for a truly holistic life.
👉🏼Check out their work, be inspired, & proactively program your Instagram AI to feed you more positive life-changing content!🌟
P.S.Feel free to start your own #positivecompetition post & shout-out friends that you support who inspire you to truly live a life worth living for! I already got another one in the works!
Post Inspo 💫 @jayshetty @lewishowes

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