Fit Rich Life

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FRLN41: Eating Dessert, 23 Reasons You're Not Rich & Healing Family Wounds

Fit Rich Life

Newsletter #41

Weekly Tips, Tools & Strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life
Newsletter Archive

"If you think you're enlightened, go and spend a week with your family."
—Ram Dass, American Spiritual Leader 

Greetings Fit Rich Fam! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving Celebration!

>>read this on my website to bookmark it for later or to view the archive for older editions<<

For Thanksgiving, the Phoenix Wife and I enjoyed a nice long slow walk alongside the beach under the sun here in Santa Cruz followed up by an epic homemade High Protein Tater Tot Casserole that my wizard wife manifested into existence.

On Thanksgiving Day it was just the two of us & the liger (our cat), but we attended a Friendsgiving the following day that took place in the Santa Cruz Mountains with a breathtaking view overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

All-in-all I am feeling deeply grateful for this past year of immense growth, none of which would be possible without all of you so I am sending each one of you deep gratitude for supporting my creative work over the last year.

Your support is what makes the Fit Rich Dream come alive!

On another note, I just released a new Fit Rich Life Podcast (episode 66) with popular YouTuber Derrick Simnett (over 690K subscribers) who was one of my original inspirations to give the Plant-Based Lifestyle a shot.

Here are some key takeaways you will learn about from the episode:

1. A strategy for creating your Dream Job.
2. How to make fitness engaging & sustainable for the long run.
3. Derek’s content production workflow.

Plus, much more!

We have a lot of fun during the interview so if you’re looking for some actionable insight and empowering entertainment give it a listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or pretty much anywhere you enjoy your podcast entertainment.

Without further ado, let's proactively build your Fit Rich Life.

This is your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to take your Fitness, Money, and Life to the Next Level.

FITNESS: You can eat anything you want & still be in incredible shape. This includes dessert.

Up until age 31 (when I started working with my first Fitness Coach circa 2013), I thought that if I wanted to be in incredible shape I would have to eat chicken and broccoli for every meal.

And that's what I did.

Yet, I was still what I call "kinda fit, kinda fat."

No one would say I was overweight, but I definitely was not stoked to take my shirt off at the beach or go to a pool party.

I was muscular, but I still had a layer of fat that prevented me from having the coveted six-pack and I wouldn't be caught dead posting a shirtless photo online.

In just six months of working with my Online Fitness Coach I shed 30lbs of unwanted body fat weight and went from around 18% body fat to well under 10% body fat.

With this shift in body composition, I looked seriously jacked as I had removed the layer of fat that was hiding all my muscles.

At the ripe age of 32 I finally got the six-pack and boy was I stoked to show it off.

That is when I started posting photos online of my physique.

And that's not even the best part in my opinion.

The best part was being able to eat anything I wanted, including...





Prior to this, I would eat chicken and broccoli for every single meal and I would do this 6 days a week.

Then I'd have my coveted "cheat day" where I would eat all the things I deprived myself of all week.

This included things like pizza, burgers, cookies, nut butter, ice cream, popsicles & more.

I spent my entire Sunday Funday eating until I couldn't eat anymore.

It was so bad that I would get cankles and I'd literally have a food hangover the next day.

My Fitness Coach had me track my food, both the strict diet days and my cheat day and ultimately what we discovered is that I destroyed all my "clean eating" with that one "cheat day" as I went so overboard that my average calorie intake over a 7-day period was well over my maintenance calories.

This is why every year I was getting fatter despite working out excessively.

Once we discovered this he started setting calorie and macronutrient targets for me and he encouraged me to include all the foods I wanted including dessert every day so that I didn't feel like I needed to have a cheat day.

Once I started doing this the weight just started melting off as I was able to consistently eat in a slight calorie deficit while enjoying all the foods I wanted including dessert.

Every month I got leaner with this strategy and I went on to drop 30lbs of Body Fat in about 6-months.

Once you learn how to strategically eat to have the Body of Your Dreams you can eat anything and everything you want.

The catch is that you can't eat everything you want in massive amounts of quantities all on the same day.

However, in my personal experience and by working with dozens of people, having dessert every day and including foods we crave daily empowers us to not fall prey to binging while simultaneously empowering us to be infinitely more consistent with our overall nutrition.

Willpower is finite.

And even the most disciplined of people will cave at some point if they're too strict with their diet.

If instead, you treat yourself with some treats every day while still eating in a way that supports your ideal physique you're able to stay on track with your fitness goals.

Staying on track and being consistent is the secret to fitness (and just about everything else).

Dessert is a necessary component of a Fit Rich Life.

Just some food for thought for those of you who avoid dessert, resist having some of the foods you really enjoy, partake in "cheat days" and/or may be stuck on the deprivation/binging cycle.

MONEY: 23 Reasons you're not rich (yet) OR why you're still broke.

This is what I’d tell my younger self and all the people I know who make $75K-$500K+ per year and are still technically broke AF.

You know the people I’m talking about.

The person that makes pretty good money but can’t afford to stop working because they are 1-3 paychecks away from financial ruin if they can’t service their mortgage, car loans, and overall very expensive lifestyle they’ve dug themselves into.

Maybe you’re one of those people.

Here are the 23 reasons you’re not Rich OR why you’re still broke:

1. You don’t track your finances.

2. You don’t invest.

3. You don’t know how to responsibly utilize debt.

4. Your relationship to money is sh*t.

5. You think rich people are bad.

6. You blame the economy, government, taxes, or country you’re from.

7. You blame school for not teaching you about money.

8. You don’t have an empowering vision for your life.

9. You don’t have any clearly defined money goals.

10. You bought too much house.

11. You’re not strategically growing your earning power.

12. You only have one source of income.

13. You are 1-3 paychecks away from financial disaster.

14. You hate your job & are not proactively assigning an empowering meaning to the work that you do.

15. You’re chasing money instead of proactively moving towards more meaning in your work.

16. All your friends are Broke.

17. You don’t have any Rich friends.

18. You don’t study Money, Personal Finance or Investing.

19. You use the fact that you come from a poor family as an excuse for why you’re not rich.

20. You keep trying get-rich-quick schemes.

21. Every time you start making more money you end up spending more.

22. You think you have to figure out your money situation on your own instead of getting help from those who have already made it financially.

23. You’re too scared to really look into your money situation (so it just keeps getting worse every year).

BONUS 24th Reason: you have a Self-Worth issue you need to solve and you have a Money Mindset problem you need to fix.

I provide the antidote to all of these in my proven game-changing Fitness & Money Coaching Program (Fit Rich Life Coaching) and for Black Friday & Cyber Monday, I am offering the only sale I do all year with up to 45% off.

If you sign up for 3 months I'll give you 1 month FREE.

If you sign up for 6 months I'll give you 2 months FREE.

If you're interested in finding out if this is what you've been looking for to finally achieve the Financial Success you've been seeking (and get in the best shape of your life) book a Free Consultation with me and we can go over everything the customized 1-1 coaching program would include.

Friendly FYI - you can also delay your start date until January 1st, 2024, and make it your Best Year Yet.

LIFE: Family will trigger your wounds.
"I don't know how you eat all of that. Where does it all go?"

This is what my Mom said to me during a family meal while I was visiting Washington last month.


That definitely triggered some old wounds around my relationship with my food and my body.

Despite the lifetime of work I've done on healing this area of my life this comment sent me right back to being the insecure "kinda fit, kinda fat" kid that I was for much of my life.

I know my Mom didn't mean to send me spiraling back into the depths of my wounds, but that's exactly what happened.

She also wasn't aware of the fact that I usually fast before having a large meal as I usually prefer to eat 2 large filling meals a day versus eating 3-5+ smaller meals.

This particular incident happened around 1:30 pm and it was my first meal of the day.

Furthermore, this is nothing compared to what my Mom went through as a kid with her food, body & parents.

My mom was beautifully fit throughout her childhood and the earlier portion of her life, but her parents literally told her that she was fat.

Her father got diabetes and somehow her parents thought that if they told her she was fat she wouldn't get fat which would help her avoid diabetes.

Then they gave her hell when she didn't finish her plate of food during family meals.

Talk about confusing and honestly pretty f*cked up.

Their intentions were good, but their messaging and strategy was shit.

Because of this childhood experience, my Mom has spent a lifetime working on her relationship to her food and body.

Knowing this backstory about her childhood has allowed me to be compassionate towards my Mom despite how triggering her comment was.

Furthermore, I've long-held the belief that our Soul/Spirit strategically chooses our parents to undergo the healing journies we're meant to go through in this lifetime.

This belief gives me immense power because instead of playing the victim and resenting my parents for inheriting their problems (and saying f*cked up shit to me) I instead am able to see them as some of my greatest teachers.

Each time I am triggered by my parents or a family member I recognize it as an opportunity to do more learning and healing.

Knowing my mom will likely read this will likely lead to another healing conversation between the two of us (which is my conscious intention).

My parents' struggle with Fitness and Money is the biggest reason I have become Fit and Rich.

The full truth is that no one gets through childhood without wounds in some area of life if not multiple areas of life.

Resentment and anger towards our parents will literally suck the happiness out of our lives.

Forgiving our parents is critical to our overall happiness in life.

So, if you get triggered during this holiday season by something a family member says or does instead of getting angry, get curious.

Use that curiosity to find out what happened to them during their childhood and see if you can use the opportunity to undergo more learning and healing.

You may even cause generational healing by doing this.

Healing both backward and forward along the family line.

This is being a "lineage breaker" where you stop the wounds from being passed down the family line.

And in the process, you will undergo your own healing.

Now that's powerful AF.

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I am sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!

Your Fitness, Money & Life Coach,

Justin David Carl

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. I run a custom-tailored 1-1 & group mastermind coaching program that will empower you to achieve your dream body, master your money & live your best life. Yup, it's a proven Fitness, Money and Life Coaching Program unlike anything else out there. You can book a free consultation with me here or just drop me a note on Instagram to find a time to connect.

2. If you work in an office introduce me to whoever handles your office snacks, catering & employee experience to take your work wellbeing to the next level. I'm a founding member of Garten, a tech-empowered employee experience & wellbeing platform that top companies utilize to power their most important asset (their people). Email me at >><< to set up a meeting.