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Dr. Will Bulsiewicz: Becoming Fiber Fueled, the Magic of the Microbiome, Blissful Epic Dumps, & Personalized Nutrition | Episode 5

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Are you aware that gut health is the key to boosting our metabolism, balancing our hormones, and taming the inflammation that causes a host of diseases? In this episode, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, the NY Times bestselling author of "Fiber Fueled" & "The Fiber Fueled Cookbook", discloses relevant and meaningful information on how to create a lifestyle that is effortless, sustainable, and most importantly that transforms your health by optimizing your gut microbiome. He also highlights how dietary fiber is important for your microbes and why you should focus on eating more of it if you're looking to improve your gut health. We also have fun talking about the bliss of Epic Dumps, thoughts on the Carnivore & Keto Diets & much more! Let’s dive into the fiber and gut health magic!

Dr.B is board certified in internal medicine & gastroenterology, an authority on cutting-edge medical research on microbiome science & the US Medical Director of ZOE--a nutritional science start-up on a mission to help people eat with confidence.

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Key Highlights:

[00:01 - 10:17] Opening Segment

• Why Dr.B got interested in fiber

• The challenges Dr. B faced

• The impact that someone close to us can have on your entire health and life journey

[10:18 - 23:03] A Personal Experience of Health Transformation

• How little small choices can start to add up to positive things

• When The Gut Health MD was created

• Why Dr.B decided to write Fiber-Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight

[23:04 - 32:37] The Magical World in Your Body

• You are the home to 38 trillion microorganisms

  • We don't do well as humans with things that we can't see

• Why we need microbes to be healthy humans

  • They affect our immune system, metabolism, brain health & how we express our genetic code

[32:38 - 46:35] How to Heal Your Gut with Diet

• Epic Dumps & how to understand the Bristol Stool Scale

What’s happening inside your body

• Dr.B’s insights about the carnivore diet

• The health benefits of dietary fiber consumption

 [46:36 - 59:46] How to Add More Fiber to Your Diet for Better Health

• Dr.B’s outlook on Keto vs American diet

• How people can start to incorporate more fiber into their life

Stick with the exercise analogy

Start low and go slow

•  Understanding and overcoming food intolerances

[59:47 - 1:10:04] Test to Identify the Threshold

• Empower yourself with the proper information that you need

• The difference between being plant-based vs being vegan

• Gravitating towards a plant-based diet

[1:10:05 - 1:18:15] Closing Segment

• What Dr.B is most excited about (ZOE Personalized Nutrition)


Want to connect with Dr.B? Follow him on Instagram & head to The Plant Fed Gut, turbocharge your health, heal your food sensitivities, and inspire your tastebuds!


Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Fiber Fueled Cookbook: Inspiring Plant-Based Recipes to Turbocharge Your Health

ZOE: Understand how your body responds to food


Key Quotes: 

“You see yourself as an isolated creature, but you are not. You actually are a super organism, and the home to 38 trillion micro organisms.” - Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

 “The most important part for human health isn't even human.” - Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

 “The more that people gravitate towards a plant-based diet, they're implicitly making choices that are great and better for the environment and for the animals.” - Dr. Will Bulsiewicz 


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Show Notes:



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